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Michael Pickford

Many years ago, I was introduced to a delightful game called Balderdash. Since then, I’ve had a great deal of fun playing this game on different occasions. One day, I decided that I would like to know what that strange word means. The word Balderdash, as defined by the World Book Dictionary, means: Nonsense, foolishness; trash. This made me think of much of the religious teaching that goes on in the religious world at large. When you compare many of the teachings of the so-called “religious leaders” of our day with the word of God, you’ll find that it’s nonsense. Many of the doctrines they espouse are the traditions and commandments of men, not the word of God (Matt. 15:8,9). This spiritual trash is being dumped into the minds of millions leading them to the destruction of their souls. This is why it is so urgent that we test the spirits to see whether they are of God (1 Jn. 4:1). You test the spirits by taking what you are being taught and comparing it with the word of God. If it agrees with God’s word then it’s the truth. You’d better heed it! If it disagrees with Christ’s doctrine, then you’d better reject it, it’s Balderdash!

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