Y'all Pray For Me!

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Y'all Pray For Me!

Michael Pickford

There’s a story about a mom taking her small child outside in the middle of the sermon. The child was “acting up” and it was obvious what was about to take place just outside the building. As the mom was exiting the auditorium with her child, the child screamed out, “Y’all pray for me!” Ha! Perhaps that child could learn more if he behaved himself during the services, but at least he had picked up one very important lesson: The prayers of a faithful church are very powerful!! Peter was in prison and Herod had every intention of killing him the next day, “...but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church” (Acts 12:5). Remember the outcome? Peter was released and his life spared. Why is it some Christians want to hide their illness? Why is it they don’t want to ask the prayers of the church regarding important issues in their lives? In a sense, we all need to adopt the attitude of that “unruly” child who said “Y’all pray for me.” You can and should pray for yourself, but as we’ve seen, the prayers of a faithful church are powerful! Ask for them!!!

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