About Us...
The Southside church of Christ is a group of Christians who are striving together to serve Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, providing us with everything we need to know about life in God's kingdom (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Our members regularly study together, pray together, and encourage one another in their walk with the Lord (Acts 2:44-46). We would be delighted to have you join us in these endeavors!
We are a local, non-denominational church (Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 1:10). This simply means that our only creed is Christ (2 John 9), and our only book is the Bible (1 Peter 4:11). We do not answer to a "Mother Church," a creed book written by uninspired men, a council, a Bishop, a Cardinal, a Pope or any other man or groups of men. We recognize Christ and Him alone as the head of this church (Ephesians 1:22-23, and His Gospel as it's guide to worship, belief, and work of the church.
We are also Non-Institutional. This means we recognize the church to be all sufficient in doing it's own works of benevolence (which is limited by scripture), training of preachers/teachers, biblical eduation for members, and sounding forth the Gospel for the lost. We do not support from the church's treasury any human established institutions which are designed to do the above listed works in place of the church (eg Orphan Homes, Hospitals, Rest Homes, Colleges, Private schools, Missionary Societies, etc.).
It is our firm belief that the Lord's church is to be spiritual in nature. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36). If you're looking for food, fun, and frolic, we are not the church for you. Anyone can build a social club, only the Lord can build a church. Unfortunately, many seek to turn the Lord's church into a social club. You will not find a kitchen in our building, nor will you find on the premises of our meeting place a Gymnasium, and such like. Paul wrote "For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). Yes, we love to eat, and play games, and socialize, and enjoy one another's company in these entertaining ways, but it is not the place of the local church to provide for these occassions out of its treasury; this is the place of the individual. The Lord's money should be used to sound forth the Gospel for the purpose of building up the saints and saving those outside of Christ. At Southside, this is done through paying the preacher, providing weekly Bulletins, internet, local Newspaper articles, purchasing and distributing tracts, providing Sermon Cd's, Gospel Meetings, Purchasing Bible Class materials, etc.
Our Worship...
If you have never visited with a Church of Christ before, you may have
some questions regarding our services. We strive to worship God, not as would please men, but as would
please God. God is our Creator and He has not only commanded us to worship Him, but has also told us
how , in His word. The elements of our services, as prescribed by God's word, are as follows...